Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Music's Obsession With Bad Weather...

'Never mind, I'll find, someone like you...'
Yeah. You go and do that Adele and please for the love of god stop moaning and wailing. Not only are her songs as sincere as a dead gnome, but if I hear about her attempting to set fire to the rain again, I think I may just eat my radio. There is nothing deep or musical about that metaphor. It is stupid. Adele is the kind of singer who can sing absolute crap like 'I found the blue in red and robed a giraffe's snore in bidets' and make a platinum record out of it, claiming that it is representative of the chaos within life. I'm sure Tracy Emin is currently reading this and planning her next art installation.

Don't get me started on Ed Sheeran. I realise he represents the ginger minority but we see enough of Rupert Grint to last us a life time on the ginger public platform. The number of times he refers to 'cold Decembers' demonstrates a great example of pathetic fallacy. If I wanted to be reminded of the crapness of the weather I would attempt small talk with a British person. I know what you're all saying - he claims that '(his) mind will always be stronger than (his) songs are'. You know that there's something wrong with the music industry when a singer rising in the charts admits to his songs being weak, unnecessarily depressing and much like girls from Essex - unnaturally orange. Fine, those are my words not his, but I expect he's too busy destroying lego houses or trying to incorporate meaningful words such as 'pastries' into songs based on prostitution and drugs. Or maybe even doing other indie things like setting fire to rain.

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