Saturday, 5 February 2011


'You should be yourself'.
There is a saturation of these misused 'words of guidance'. Words of extreme faith in the human race. Surely whatever we do, even if we behave in an artificial way is still us being... us. Stating that there are two detached dimensions to us, the ‘what we are' and ‘what we pretend we are' is just covering up the fact that we are all two faced. And rather annoying. However, if that phrase has an ounce of wisdom attached to it then I don't care if we're all individuals, some people should not be themselves because they are so unbelievably annoying. Especially children. And most adults. In fact, I would much rather prefer it I were to set a precedence of behaviour and people behaved accordingly.

As I write a letter of application, effectively a love letter to myself, I have come to realise that it is a good thing to pretend that we're something we're not. If my letter was a reflection of my character, I would be a egotistical, arrogant and narcissistic tool. Admittedly, there is some truth in that...
'I would also enjoy working with numbers, figures and statistics when it came to company finances.'
Who am I kidding?! I imagine hell looking something similar to a maths equation. The only thing worse than that would be angering Russell Crowe and then handing him a phone. I've never enjoyed 'tackling' challenges- Life isn't a football game. I don't 'relish' taking part as a team. There is no 'we' in team. Only a 'me'. Apologies to all disillusioned employers out there. You just bring out the best and worst of us.